Birth Stories


Gosh my birth story where do I start?  It was back in march 2008 when I said to my husband I wanted one more child and thats it I would be done. He wasn’t too happy and he refused and said two was enough as we already had a boy and a girl.  But I […]

Twin born at 23 weeks

Amelia Hope Burden was born before the 24-week legal limit for abortion when her mother was just 23 weeks and two days pregnant.   She was born weighing only 1lb 2oz ten days before her brother Arthur arrived at 1lb 4oz.   He was born in July after Amanda Staplehurst had been pregnant for 24 weeks. She […]

‘Miracle’ twins reach first birthday


Against all the odds miracle twins Sonny and Lincoln Hague were today celebrating their first birthdays. It has been a roller-coaster year for parents Laura and Simon Hague who were warned by doctors the identical twins might not live to reach their first birthday. Just 22 weeks into the pregnancy, a scan revealed Lincoln had […]


My birth story…by Cass On 27th November 2000 I was 35 weeks pregnant. I had been for a scan and blood tests in the morning (had been going twice weekly), as I had obstetric cholestasis which is a liver disorder in pregnancy. I had had this for about 3 weeks prior to having the twins. […]

Chelle S


My Birth Story…by Chelle Shooter All through my pregnancy I pleaded for a c-section, as I was terrified of tearing. My midwives were no help, just kept fobbing me off with things like “you’ll be straight on an epidural with twins, it’ll be pain free, its better for the babies etc etc.” I wasn’t convinced […]


My birth story… by Beccy I was admitted at 10pm on Monday 6th March 2006, with severe swelling to my feet and ankles, which was later diagnosed as pre-eclampsia as my blood pressure was 160 over 106 and I had protein in my urine! After a near sleepless night in a crowded antenatal ward the […]



My birth story… by Jacinta Me and my partner Giles decided it was time to start a family when I was 29 and Giles was 34. Two weeks after deciding this we were pregnant. Giles was in more shock than me, he thought it wouldn’t happen for months. I don’t think he was quite over […]