Up until 28 weeks I was sailing through my twin pregnancy – no morning sickness, scans all fine and I was feeling great. A few days before my next consultant appointment I noticed that my hands and feet were incredibly itchy. I was constantly rubbing my bare feet on the carpet, I couldn’t sleep and […]
What is Pre-eclampsia ? Pre-eclampsia is the most common of the serious complications of pregnancy. It is caused by a defect in the placenta, which joins mother and baby and supplies the baby with nutrients and oxygen from the mother’s blood. Pre-eclampsia is symptom-less in the early stages and is detectable only by regular antenatal […]
What is SPD ? Pain in the groin and pubic area, whatever the cause, is usually related to the pelvis not functioning like it should, and is referred to as Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD). The problem is not necessarily with the symphysis pubis itself, it can often be either or both of the sacro-iliac […]
The sad truth is that there is likely to be a glaring lack of information on multiple births provided by your local healthcare trust. It’s astonishing that with the rise in multiple births that has been seen in recent years due to IVF and other fertilitiy procedures, expectant parents really have to do their own […]