
Twin terminology – what does it all mean ?

Twin Terminology There are 3 main reference points which you may hear a lot of from now on in. They include the chorion (placenta), the amnion (the sac containing fluid in which the baby grows) and the zygosity (referring to the egg). These terms refer to whether the babies have their own amniotic sac, their […]

Mirror image/Carbon Copy Twins


Differences in identical twins ? Although genetically identical, monozygotic twins can be different in one incredible way.  Scientists now believe that identical twins fall into one of two categories, either mirror image twins, or carbon copy twins. What are mirror image twins ? Mirror-image twins occur only in identical twins. A definitive explanation for mirror imaging […]

Why do multiples occur?


Multiple pregnancies occur when either more than one egg is released for fertilisation, or when one egg is fertilised and subsequently splits. In identical multiples, the egg splits shortly after fertilisation (within 2 weeks). Identical triplets and higher order multiples occur when one or more of these eggs splits again.  Identicals will be of the same […]

TTTS – Twin to twin transfusion syndrome – What is it ?

What is Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)? Also sometimes known as ‘FFTS’ (Feto-Fetal Transfusion Syndrome), and as ‘TOPS’ (Twin Oligohydramnios-Polyhydramnios Sequence), TTTS is a disease of identical twin fetuses caused by abnormal connecting blood vessels in the twins’ placenta, resulting in an imbalanced flow of blood from one twin to another. The implications of […]

What you need for starters

by Sharon Driver  There are truckloads of stuff you could buy, but what do you really need ? Twin mum Sharon Driver delved into the equipment pile to come up with a list of the tried’s and trusted’s that hopefully aren’t going to end up in the loft with your Dad’s LP’s…   TRANSPORT:  Double […]