
TTTS – This pregnancy has no future…

My story… by Katie Rhodes   We had been told that we were expecting mc/mz twins ( not really understanding that this put us at any more at risk of problems)  and so when we were told that we were to be monitored every 3 days with scans and traces we thought this was normal […]

TTTS – My weight increased by 8 stone…

By Sue Roper-Moore Hi. My name is Sue Roper-Moore and my husband is Malcolm. We live in Birmingham and have a five year old son, Henry, and identical twin girls – Mary and Lydia – who will be 3 in October. This is our recollection of Twin-to-Twin Transfusion. I had a trouble free ‘ text […]

TTTS – My daughter gained 13lb in a week…

by Linda Haddock This is a story about my daughter and her family, and how TTTS changed our lives forever . Jennifer and her husband Raymond had two beautiful children, Hailey and Cameron. He worked days and she worked nights so each could spend time with the children and provide them with a nice home. […]

Amy S


My birth story…by Amy Savvides The first big shock was when the sonographer told us there was ‘two in there’ – the second big shock was when the consultant told us they were identical! We’d only just started getting used to the fact there was 2 of them, let alone them being  identical and the […]

Twin terminology – what does it all mean ?

Twin Terminology There are 3 main reference points which you may hear a lot of from now on in. They include the chorion (placenta), the amnion (the sac containing fluid in which the baby grows) and the zygosity (referring to the egg). These terms refer to whether the babies have their own amniotic sac, their […]

TTTS – Twin to twin transfusion syndrome – What is it ?

What is Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)? Also sometimes known as ‘FFTS’ (Feto-Fetal Transfusion Syndrome), and as ‘TOPS’ (Twin Oligohydramnios-Polyhydramnios Sequence), TTTS is a disease of identical twin fetuses caused by abnormal connecting blood vessels in the twins’ placenta, resulting in an imbalanced flow of blood from one twin to another. The implications of […]