TES recently surveyed 1,008 parents of primary-aged children and 251 primary school teachers and found a shocking 37% (over a third) of children aged between seven and nine, and 28% of children aged 11 or under are not able to use joined-up handwriting.
Angela Webb, the chair of the National Handwriting Association, said: “If children learn to write legibly, fluently and automatically when they are in primary school, they will be able to engage fully with the secondary curriculum, where they are expected to take notes, produce written assignments in class and complete tests and exams under timed conditions.”
60% of teachers surveyed stated handwriting could be taught more effectively in school if backed and supported by parents, with 33% expressing concern that they do not receive support from parents at home. Webb commented “Handwriting also supports the development of cognitive skills such as reading, spelling and the securing of maths concepts. The physical connectivity with the pen seems to impact the brain in a way that using a keyboard does not.” Writing by hand allows children to express themselves and retain information more efficiently.
Infographic created by National Pen.