Harsh chemicals are part and parcel of our daily cleaning habits, we regularly spray strong kitchen cleaners onto our counters, pour bleach down the toilet and use special disinfectant sprays on surfaces. So how do we deal with these harsh chemicals in our home – if you don’t get along with the old Internet myth of vinegar and bicarbonate of soda method?
Well, when it comes to health and safety children should be considered first. Children under five have the highest risk of accidental poisoning, according to the NHS, so it’s important you keep all dangerous chemicals out of their reach. Put bleach in high cupboards, keep spray bottle nozzles turned to off when not in use and ensure everything is out of the way of little hands.
Gloves are also important when using harsh chemicals while cleaning, we recommend nitrile gloves from Brosch Direct which are created to resist strong chemicals, as well as tears and punctures to ensure you’re protected. If you’re dealing with particularly hazardous chemicals, remember even bleach in strong amounts is dangerous, a face mask can prevent you from breathing in something harmful.
Labels are important when using chemicals in your home, ensure you check if items are flammable before storing them in certain areas of the home, whether they contain gas under pressure or could be potentially harmful to your environment.
Let’s say, you’re dealing with an ant problem in your home; they’re crawling up the walls and all over the floor but bear in mind the insecticide you decide to use to eradicate these pests could be potentially harmful to pets and children if not used correctly, so it’s a good idea to check labels first then make the necessary arrangements.
Only use as much as you need of any product, over use can result in toxic fumes and it’s also a good idea to properly ventilate whatever room you’re working in. It’s also important that you don’t mix products together, household cleaners can quickly become extremely dangerous if you mix chlorine bleach and ammonia together for example it can create a highly toxic gas.
When you’ve finished working with dangerous chemicals, it’s a good idea to wash any exposed skin thoroughly to avoid any irritation later and if your hands are ungloved to prevent injuring your eyes or face – after all, on average, we touch our face around 15.7 times an hour!
Many people don’t consider the implications of using chemical household cleaners on a day to day basis, which results in hundreds and thousands of injuries and issues in the home every year. Pay attention to labels and proceed with caution when using everyday cleaning items – even using your Mr. Muscle means you’re dealing with some harsh chemicals.