Since giving birth to the twins (Catie and Layla) in February 2012, I has found the whole experience overwhelming yet hilarious and I feel like I needed to share it with the world. I always found it slightly nauseating when friends would post sickly-sweet posts about their perfect angelic children, when my experience of rearing […]
In March of 2015, NASA astronaut Scott Kelly will join cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko on a one-year mission to the International Space Station. Their lengthy stay aims to explore the effects of long-term space flight on the human body. The interesting thing about Scott is, he’s a twin. His brother Mark is also an astronaut, now […]
Twins and multiples are amazing, here we have selected just some of the official world records as of 2015! See the complete list here. Most consecutive generations Three families hold this record: Within the Rollings family (UK) there have been four consecutive generations of twins born from 1916- 2002. The first were Elizabeth and […]