Hangleton Multiple Birth Group

Hangleton Family Hub, Harmsworth Crescent, BN3 8BW
1 Harmsworth Crescent Hove BN3 8BW GB
01273 29527201273 295272

Hangleton Family Hub, Harmsworth Crescent, BN3 8BW

Every Thursday 10:00 – 12:00

Parent led group.
Runs all year

Club Contact Name
Map shown as guidence only, please contact club for precise location.
Conway Court Children’s Centre, Clarendon Road, BN3 3WR 1.47 mi
01273 26601101273 266011

Conway Court Children’s Centre, Clarendon Road, BN3 3WR

Every Friday 14:00 – 15:30

Parent led group for parents/carers of multiple birth children under 3 years from the Hove area.
Term time only (although extra sessions may run during holiday times, please check with the centre directly).

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360c Ditchling Road, Brighton, Brighton and Hove, Brighton, UK 2.67 mi

St Matthias Play Cafe is an amazing space filled with sensory toys for preschoolers. Our staff are friendly and ready to serve you delicious coffee, cakes, and pastries. We are open from 9:30am to 12pm Monday to Friday term-time only.

Our Twins Parents Meet ups have been such a success that we have decided to make it a regular thing and we will be hosting one on the last Thursday of every month term time only!

Our next Twins Parents Meet-up is 30th Nov 23

Dates for 2024 are:

  • Jan 25th,
  • Feb 29th,
  • Mar 21st,
  • April 25th,
  • May 23rd,
  • Jun 27th,
  • July 18th,
  • Sept 26,
  • Oct 24,
  • Nov28,
  • Dec 19th.

Unless otherwise advice.

Any questions please contact me at: becky@stmatthiasbrighton.org

or find us on https://www.facebook.com/stmatthiasplaycafe or https://www.instagram.com/stmatthiasplaycafe/

1-6 Park Crescent Terrace, Brighton BN2 3HD, United Kingdom 3.06 mi
01273 60709501273 607095

The Salvation Army
1-6 Park Crescent Terrace, BN2 3HD

Friday 9:45 – 11:45

Term time only

Free parking at the rear.

Upper Boundstone Lane, Lancing, West Sussex, BN15 9QX 6.05 mi

Every Friday 9.30am – 12.00pm. All year round. Open to all parents of twins, triplets, quadruplets and beyond. Boundstone Children & Family Centre, Upper Boundstone Lane, Lancing, West Sussex, BN15 9QX

Saltdean Community Centre, Saltdean Park Road, BN2 8SP 6.81 mi

Saltdean Community Centre, Saltdean Park Road, BN2 8SP

01273 304 617

Runs every two weeks on a Thursday 9:30 – 12:30 in the Lower Hall


For more details, please visit our website

Peacehaven, United Kingdom 9.24 mi

Meet on a Monday at the Peacehaven Children’s Centre.

Ringmer, United Kingdom 11.25 mi

We meet fortnightly on a Thursday at Ringmer Children’s Centre.   A place for parents of twins or more in the Lewes area to touch base and hopefully arrange to meet. All welcome!

crawley, uk 17.76 mi

Crawley & surrounding areas

Eastbourne, East Sussex , UK 21.98 mi

Eastbourne Twins Club is a local organisation for families with twins, triplets or more. We provide friendly support and advice on areas such as feeding & weaning, potty training and sleep – plus the invaluable opportunity to meet, chat to and let off steam with other parents and carers of multiples, not forgetting expectant Mums – our Bumps and Babies group is one of our most popular!


Chichester and Bognor Twins Club was formed around 2004 and currently has membership of around 20 families. We welcome those families that have been blessed with a multiple birth of twins or more. Feel free to attend one of our meetings, so you can meet some of us before joining.

What the Club offers

Help and advice when you need it. Having a multiple pregnancy and birth is different from a singleton but most antenatal classes focus on expecting one child, so being able to link into a network of mothers who have been there can act as a great source of information and support.

A friendly face that really understands. Whether you’re a new mum facing all the problems and delights of newborns or a harassed mum facing the terrible twos in double or (help!) triplicate, there will always be someone to talk it through with.

Monthly Meetings: We meet on first Friday of every month at Donnington Village Hall, Chichester from 9.30-11.30. These sessions are suited for all families with bumps- to- be, newborns right up to the age of 5 years with activities provided to keep the older children occupied.

Social events: Every other month we try to meet to have mummy time at local pubs for the evening. It’s a night away from it all and gives us the opportunity to chat away without having to chase one child in one direction whilst trying to change a nappy on the other child!

Each year we host a Summer and Christmas party which is open for all family members to attend. It is always great for brothers, sisters and daddy’s to be involved! Even grandparents if they feel they can handle the noise and fun!


East Surrey Twins Club is a Registered Charity affiliated to TAMBA. We are a very friendly and social group of mums (and dads) of twins, triplets and more.

We support the needs of multiple birth families in Redhill, Reigate, Horley, Dorking, Crawley, Oxted, Godstone, Banstead, Kingswood and the surrounding villages.

The club is run voluntarily by mums of twins for the benefit of families of multiples. Our aim is to offer information, support and understanding to parents and prospective parents of multiples.


We are a self-support group for families in Woking and the surrounding area with Twins or more. We have a Bumps, Babes and Toddler Group which runs on a Monday morning and Social Club

Farnham Twins and Triplets Group was formed in 1990 and membership is now around 40 families. We call ourselves the Twins and Triplets Group but welcome families with higher multiples.

Membership currently costs £12 per family each year and entitles you to a range of benefits (see our membership section for more information). Feel free to attend one of our meetings, so you can meet some of us before joining.


We cover the South West London area (Kew, Richmond, Barnes, Putney, Wimbledon, Mortlake, Sheen and also have members in Fulham, Ealing, Acton and other surrounding areas).

Twickenham Methodist Church, Queens Road, Twickenham, TW1 4EN 41.51 mi

We are a well-established local group which is open to all families of multiples in and around the Twickenham area. Our club is relaxed and friendly with a great support network. We hold a weekly playgroup every Wednesday afternoon (2.30pm to 4.30pm) in central Twickenham at Twickenham Methodist Church, Queens Road, Twickenham, TW1 4EN (except during the summer school holidays, when we meet in Marble Hill Park).

This is the perfect opportunity to sit down and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and talk to other parents/carers of multiples.

We also run a fortnightly bumps and babes group as well as organise Grown Up Nights Out, Christmas & Summer Parties as well as numerous other events. So why not join us?!

For further details, email TTC atthetwickenhamtwinsclub@gmail.com; visit our website athttp://www.twickenhamtwinsclub.co.uk or find us on facebook athttps://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/202676246451293/

blackwater, uk 41.78 mi

We are a local playgroup run by mums of twins & triplets. The group is especially for twins (or more) and their siblings. It’s a chance to meet up with other mums of multiples in a friendly environment.

We meet every Monday between 10am – 11.30am in Blackwater.

We are a well established Twin group with around 20 families. The ages range from bumps and babies to teenagers so we have a vast amount of experience and plenty of helping hands. Why not come and join in the fun at the Fareham and Gosport Twin Club. We hold weekly coffee mornings on a Friday, alternating between the Haven Centre, Harris Road, Gosport and the Oak Meadow Centre, Tewkesbury Avenue, Fareham, just £1.50 for members and £2.00 for non-members

Greenfields Children's Centre, Rutland Way, Maidstone, ME15 8DR 42.81 mi

A friendly and inclusive baby & toddler play group and support group for families of multiples or those expecting twins or more. We meet every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month 10.00 – 12.00 including school holidays at Greenfields Children’s Centre, Rutland Way, Maidstone, ME15 8DR.

It is free to join.  And a wide range of toys and activities are offered including a craft or messy play most weeks.

Please look us up on Facebook, as we regularly update the page with all club activities.

If you have any queries about joining the club or coming along please drop us an email.

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